German MEP Christine Anderson: "The pandemic was a beta test for the globalist totalitarian agenda" (14.08.2023) | 188 views | ... | Similar
Florida grand jury rules that the COVID pandemic was an 'unconstitutional usurpation of power by the elite' (04.02.2024) | 217 views | A Florida grand jury ruled Friday that the COVID pandemic was an unconstitutional power grab by globalist elites. ... | Similar
Albert Bourla was caught admitting that the Covid pandemic was a "rehearsal" for the "major disease" yet to come (22.06.2024) | 252 views | According to a Big Pharma boss, Pfizer's “best days” are yet to come because of the company's ability to mass-produce mRNA at the speed and scale to vaccinate the entire world within weeks. ... | Similar
The President of The Philippines has told citizens that he will jail them if they refuse a covid-19 vaccine (24.06.2021) | 169 views | ... | Similar
Protest in France 2021 (06.08.2021) | 237 views | ... | Similar
A well-known scientist admits that the "climate crisis" is a hoax and that it is about DEPOPULATION (06.10.2023) | 276 views | One of the world's leading climate scientists admitted that the WEF's green agenda is actually an attempt to depopulate the planet under the guise of saving it. ... | Similar
Janet Ossebaard, the director of the film "The Fall of the Cabal", was found dead, and the reason for death is of course given as suicide (27.12.2023) | 380 views | Famous Dutch filmmaker Janet Ossebaard, known for her documentary series "The Fall of the Cabal", has been confirmed dead, allegedly by suicide, after being reported missing for weeks. ... | Similar
Everyone vaccinated against Covid "will die in 3 to 5 years" (02.05.2024) | 348 views | A world-renowned scientist and leading expert in immunology raised the alarm with an explosive warning to the public that everyone vaccinated with mRNA vaccines against Covid "will die within 3 to ... | Similar
"Vaccine pandemic": Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts' urgent call for the world to finally wake up (16.05.2024) | 310 views | There are people like Bill Gates, who funds the World Health Organization, and there is Fauci, who carries out genocide! Fauci killed thousands of black Africans in experiments.” ... | Similar